Notes on RESTful API design taken from various sources.

  • Be RESTful
  • Keep it simple
  • Two URLs per resource
  • Hide complex variation behind the query string
  • Errors conditions are identified by status codes
  • Always version
  • Format should be an extension type on the resource
  • Allow selectivity via the query string
  • Search via the query string
  • Pagination via the query string
  • Attribute name should be camel case
  • Non resource URLs should be verbs

Be RESTful

Honour verbs:

  • GET - get a resource
  • POST - creates a resource
  • PUT - updates a resource
  • DELETE - deletes a resource

Keep it simple

Verify with the following question, “If you cut and paste the url into a browser does something meaningful occurs?”

Use nouns for resource names.

Two URLs per resource

dogs create new dog list of dogs N/A all dogs
dog N/A get dog's details replace dog delete dog

Hide complex variation behind the query string

e.g. get all dogs that are red:

GET /v1/dogs?colour=red

Errors conditions are identified by status codes

Error should be indetified by the http status code.

It is also helpful to send a json body

  "status"  : "401",
  "message" : "Identical dog already exists!",
  "type"   : {
    "code" :"<internal code that identifies the error type>",
    "more_info" : "<url where you can get more info on this type of error"
  "error" : {
    "id": "<Unique id for the instance of this error that can be used if reporting the error",
    "more_info" : "<url where you can get more information"

Always version

All api’s should have a version number and it should be the highest level of granularity.

Format should be an extension type on the resource

if you are going to support multiple format this should be defined as an extension type on the resource


GET /v1/dogs.json GET /v1/dog/12345.json

Allow selectivity via the query string

e.g. if you only want the name and breed of the dogs

GET /v1/dogs?field=id,name,breed

Search via the query string

e.g. dogs that have fluffy fur and are red

GET /v1/dogs/search?q=fluffy+fur,colour+red

or for free text search

GET /v1/dogs/search?q=fluffy,red

Pagination via the query string

e.g. I want 25 dogs on the page stating from the 50 dogs

GET /v1/dogs?limit=25&offset=50

Attribute name should be camel case

Because that is the javascript naming convention and the majority of the time you are sending json to be converted into a javascript object.

Non resource URLs should be verbs

When you have a url that is more algorithmic rather than resource ( i.e. behaviour over state ) use a verb.




